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Corner Brook has a ton of interesting trails plus a ton of frogs.
So today I rode with Luca. He is a St. John’s shredder, but before he lived here, he used to be living in Burlington and Hamilton. So it’s a small world, we both know some of the same people and same trails.
We started off on the Sub Net trail. (There used to be an actual anti-submarine net beside the trail back-in-the-day, the submarine net coming from even-more-way-back-in-the-day. The net is gone now. The trail loops past a bunch of underground military bunkers, most of which have cool graffiti on them now.)
Here’s one of me, courtesy of Luca.
Then we hit Oceanside trail.
The mellow start to Oceanside. I managed to flat out on the downhill, but it was this view that I got to look at while I pumped up a new tube. Sa-weet.
This Oceanside descent eroded away, but there’s still a good way down (if you’re as skilled as Luca). This is at least a 6-8 footer, with a fairly bad run-in and a flattish landing. Luca rode it like a pro.
My GPS showed a bunch of trails that were fun to explore. This was at the bottom of a downhill on a newer section at Subnet. This was Luca’s first time on this section but he made it look like old hat.
Conditions were perfectly tacky.
We also noticed some gap jumps. Next time?
Ride data below.
I had a great ride in St.John’s today, covering a bunch of the trails that I rode when I first started to ride a bike. Last time I was in St.John’s was 30 years ago. A lot has changed, but also, a lot hasn’t.
You might want to check out Gazeebow Unit’s rap song, “Trikes & Bikes”. (Yes, I did venture into Airport Heights. PLUS, I saw the ACTUAL gazebo!)
Here was my ride loop:
Total climbing: 1119 m
Total time: 02:56:35
Download file: baby-luke.gpx
Total time: 02:56:35
The first stop after the ferry crossing was the town of St. Anthony. We quickly found a Mary Brown’s and ate Taters. Trip to Newfoundland now made official.
A dude in the mall excitedly told us about the iceberg and asked if we had been to see it yet. So we went to see it.
We went out to the end of the harbour.
There were actually several icebergs at the mouth of the harbour. Here’s one you can see with a view looking back at town:
The biggest one conveniently parked itself right in front of a viewing platform. And there was a trail right to the best view — already there.
From beside the iceberg, there was a nice view of the lighthouse, looking north towards Greenland…
Plus some other tidepool stuff…
From there, we drove out to Lance-Aux-Meadows to check out the viking settlement.
Leif Eriksen’s house. Just a mound now:
A replica sod house built by Parks.
Driving south, we saw a wicked fog bank building along the coast.
Shadow of the van, bike rack visible.
West Coast of Newfoundland, a bit north of Gros Morne, evening light.
The arches.