This has to be one of my current favorite trails. It’s the hardest easiest ride. The longest, shortest, most complicated basic ride ever.
All posts for the month September, 2016
I went for a rip on the North American Enduro Tour / Cascadia Dirt Cup course over in the Chuckanuts, on the south edge of town.
Bellingham could be called the Loam Factory. The trails on Chuckanut Mountain weave through an old growth forest that provides that abundance of soft, PNW dirt. When the trails get steeper they snake around some crazy sandstone ridges that brake up the flow and add a technical aspect to some of the harder sections. The course is on the longer side for a single day race, we’ll keep the specific layout under wraps until closer to race day, but expect a 26-28mi course with 4000+ feet of climbing.
Back in Bellingham WA. We spent about a month here last year dealing with a bike-replacement which involved a complete warranty and rebuild on my old ride. It was a good place to have such a big problem. It’s a great feeling to be back. It’s like coming home. But it’s cold, rainy and fall…already! Trees are turning and leaves falling.
Lucy and I have spent a couple of weeks in the Spokane area over the past couple of years. It was kind of a shock to realize how much I feel at home being back here, it’s such a great city.
After leaving Montana, we camped out by Rose Lake in the Idaho panhandle, near Coeur D’Alene Idaho and Spokane Washington.
I just finished reading a great book about right here.
Nobody should drive this section of the country without this mandatory reading list.
The book is The Big Burn.
For a final ride in the Flathead region I opted to hit the “Beardance” trail which has a bit more of a climb-once, descend-once backcountry style. This is your basic “big mountain” ride layout.